It depends! Height is measured in millimetres, and it varies depending on the intended use. For example, do you have to choose artificial grass for your home garden? Then personal taste is the deciding factor! You can choose turf that looks like an English-style lawn, or you can choose turf that is thicker.
Will you be using the artificial lawn as a backdrop for the outdoor tables in your business? In this case, it is important to opt for an easy-to-clean solution with a lower height. Will the lawn be installed in a public place, such as a schoolyard or playground? In this case, we recommend that you consider not only the measurements but also the strength, so that your children have a safe place to play.
Let's take a look at the recommended height of the synthetic lawn, depending on its use:
• For use in the garden, 25 mm to 50 mm
• For a terrace, balcony or flat roof, 17 mm to 40 mm
• Suitable for animals, 28 mm to 45 mm
• Ideal for swimming pools, hotels, restaurants and bars, 17 mm to 50 mm
• For a playground, 32 mm to 45 mm
• For schools and other public spaces, 17 mm to 45 mm
• For indoor, decorative use, from 25 mm to 45 mm.
To give you all the tools you need to make the right choice, at Sit-in we offer you a free 15x15 cm sample of the lawn you would like, so you can get an idea of the final yield.We can customise the cut of your lawn (with a fixed roll width of 2 metres) according to the area to be covered and advise you on the right shade of green to match your surroundings.